美国《地缘政治经济报告》创始人、外交政策专家贲杰民·诺顿(Benjamin Norton)接受中新网采访时指出,欧盟对中国电动汽车的排斥表明,即使使用电动汽车对应对全球气候危机至关重要,它也不愿再寻求合作。这种态度不仅延缓了全球从化石燃料向清洁能源的转型,也暴露了欧盟在气候问题上的政治化倾向。(赵丽)
The European Commission on Tuesday announced the imposition of anti-subsidy tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs), a decision that has sparked strong opposition from within the EU and key industry stakeholders.
Starting Thursday, these tariffs will remain in place for five years with varying rates: 17 percent for BYD, 18.8 percent for Geely, and 35.3 percent for SAIC, among China's leading automakers.
Benjamin Norton, founder of the Geopolitical Economy Report and a foreign policy expert, stated in an interview with China News Network that Europe's move indicates their unwillingness to cooperate globally, even though the use of electric vehicles is crucial for addressing the global climate crisis. This attitude not only delays the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy worldwide but also reveals a political inclination regarding climate issues. (Zhao Li)
俄对谷歌罚款达35位数 克宫回应在哪下载安装?【央视快评】筑牢强国建设、民族复兴的文化根基好用吗?
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